Galaxy S6 Edge+ Camera Tips & Tricks - Haxiphone-Easy Hacks iphone All Os


বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৪ আগস্ট, ২০১৭

Galaxy S6 Edge+ Camera Tips & Tricks

With the state-of-the-art imaging technology on the Galaxy S6 edge+, you and your friends will never have looked better. All by itself, the Galaxy S6 edge+ image stabilization technology and low-light sensor ensure your shots will be sharper and more vibrant than ever before. The front-facing 5MP camera is great for selfies, while the 16MP rear-facing camera is best for photos that you want to hang on your wall.

Snap a Shot Anytime, Anywhere

No matter how busy you are, taking a photo on the Galaxy S6 edge+ is always a snap. Even if you have another app already open, or if one hand is occupied with a double-mocha-chilled-latte, you can take the perfect pic with just one hand. Double-tap the "Home" button and then tap the "Shutter" button. You'll have the moment captured using your most recent camera settings in one second flat.

Go Ultra High Def

Bring your photos to a whole new level of detail with 4K Ultra High Definition photos on your Galaxy S6 edge+ front-facing 16MP camera. Go into the "Camera Settings" and select the maximum size in the "Picture Size" options. The next photo you take will be so clear and detailed, you'll think you were actually there all over again, or—if you haven't walked away yet—you might even wonder if you're standing there twice.

Stand in the Sunlight

High Dynamic Range, or HDR, is the perfect way to capture a photo when there's a high level of contrast between dark and bright subjects, or if the overall lighting is exceptionally bright. Select HDR from the camera's "Settings." It can make bleached out details come to life on a sunny day and help get a balance in contrast when your Aunt Harriett is striking the perfect pose under the dark shadow of a tree.

Take Control Like a Pro

With Pro Mode on the Galaxy S6 edge+, you'll find many of the same customization options usually found on professional cameras. You can control the metering, ISO, white balance, as well as the focus. When you find a configuration you like, remember to save those settings so you can use them again later. Just tap the "Custom" icon in the camera's view screen and select "Save Current Settings."

Fake the Mood for Posterity

The next time you want to capture a perfect moment for your friends, use the Pro Mode's exposure settings to immerse them up to their eyeballs in the full ambiance. A lunch in the cafeteria under fluorescent lights can become cozy and romantic with a reduced exposure. To brighten up vacation pics when it's been raining all week, increase the exposure, and the camera's sensor will soak up all of that meager light like a wet sponge.

Shift Your Focus

Selective Focus is an invaluable feature for anyone with an artistic temperament. Select a subject that catches your eye, like a flower in your garden or that cute delivery courier who just arrived at the door.
Enable "Selective Focus" from the camera's "Settings" and then position yourself where the photo's background is almost as interesting as the subject. Stand about 20 inches from the subject and snap a photo. The Galaxy S6 edge+ camera will take multiple shots with different focus settings, so you can pick the one that captures the setting best.

Learn to Rule, By Thirds

Corner any pro photographer at a cocktail party and he'll inevitably tell you about composition and the rule of thirds. Your Galaxy S6 edge+ can guide you through this without the lecture and without even mentioning Leonardo Fibonacci.
Toggle on the "Grid Lines" in the camera "Settings" and a three-by-three grid appears on the view screen. For a masterful composition, the rule is to center your subject in any one of those grids. Try a few shots, moving grids, and keep the one that looks the best.

Shift the Weight on the Spot

Adjusting the "Metering" modes in the camera's Pro Mode settings is a great way to tweak the exposure so that your photos put the emphasis where you want it most. The camera uses center-weighted metering to make the middle of the photo noticeably brighter and more engaging. Matrix metering spreads the emphasis across the entire image, which is great for wide landscapes. To emphasize a detail, or one face in a crowd, use spot metering.
Be prepared: A heavy use of spot metering, combined with the rule of thirds, may prompt friends to ask if you're available for weddings.

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