Which Side Are You? Choose Your Side on the Galaxy S6 Edge - Haxiphone-Easy Hacks iphone All Os


বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৪ আগস্ট, ২০১৭

Which Side Are You? Choose Your Side on the Galaxy S6 Edge

Taking sides can be a chancy thing in your personal life, and downright stressful at work. With the Galaxy S6 edge, the stakes are a lot lower. You can change your mind at any time just by tapping "Apps," "Settings," "Edge screen" and then "Edge screen position." So, while there's a left side and a right side, there's no real downside. With that in mind, here are a few less-obvious reasons to choose one over the other.

The Random Act of Kindness

Your buddy from Accounting, the sports nut, is visibly twitchy in morning meetings because he didn't have time to check the scores. Set up the left screen and leave it facing him, with the Sports feed running in your Information stream. He'll remember you when he gets tickets to games.
Choice: Left

The Decorator

Look for the darkest corner of your desk. Make one, if you have to. Tweak your People edge settings, choosing colors that match the decor of your office, and then turn on Edge lighting. Select the left edge of your Galaxy S6 edge, and nestle it into that dark spot on your desk. Enjoy the pretty lights, as calls and messages come in.
Choice: Left

The Competitor

Look at the phone, resting on your desk. The left side is facing you, if you're a rightie, so...choose the right. Now, hang a mirror behind the phone so you can see the notifications. Why? Because reading things backward or upside down on someone else's desk is a useful skill in a competitive workplace.
Choice: Right

The In-Laws

Having dinner with the in-laws tonight? Looking at your watch every few minutes can bring trouble your way, so set your phone to its left edge and activate the Night clock. Set the phone casually in front of you on the table, where only you can see the edge. Now you can count down the minutes until freedom, without getting busted.
Choice: Left

The Movie-Theater Brain Preserver

He chose the movie tonight, so there'll be lots of machines going fast and noisily blowing each other up. Prepare for this brain-numbing experience by selecting your right edge, and then sliding the phone into your purse's phone pocket with that edge facing up. While things go boom onscreen, you can keep an unnoticed eye on your notifications, news feeds or the latest trends on Twitter.

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