Would you rather Apple delay the iPhone 8 or launch it with select features disabled at first? [Poll] - Haxiphone-Easy Hacks iphone All Os


শুক্রবার, ১৪ জুলাই, ২০১৭

Would you rather Apple delay the iPhone 8 or launch it with select features disabled at first? [Poll]

Apple news this week has largely been dominated by reports claiming Apple is struggling to get key features of the iPhone 8 ready ahead of its launch. Some have said that Apple will launch the flagship device with certain features missing, while others have said the company will simply push the device’s release back by a few weeks.
Which would you prefer?

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A report over the weekend claimed that Apple is struggling with the iPhone 8’s inductive charging technology, and thus might not release it until a few weeks after the actual phone is released. Past reports have indicated that wireless charging will be sold separately from the iPhone 8 anyway, so this doesn’t really seem like a huge deal.
Then, a Fast Company reported that Apple’s iPhone team is operating in a “panic” trying to get several key features, not just wireless charging, ready for the iPhone 8’s fall release. The report explained that Apple is working down to the wire on software bugs plaguing wireless charging, the 3D facial recognition technology, and Touch ID.
A separate, somewhat sketchier report said Apple itself has yet to decide where Touch ID will be located, and that the iPhone 8 may launch without Apple Pay support.
Finally, an analyst research note from Bank of America said that supply chain sources in China indicate that the iPhone 8 could be delayed by up to three to four weeks
This presents an interesting dilemma for Apple: should it release the iPhone 8 with key features disabled, or should it delay the release of the phone itself and launch with the bugs ironed out?
I’m conflicted. Part of me hates the idea of an iPhone 8 delay, especially with the expected new design and OLED display likely being such major improvements. The other part of me, however, doesn’t want to shell out what could be $1,000+ on a device that doesn’t have all of its features enabled.
In the end, I think I’d much rather wait for a fully functional iPhone 8 with wireless charging, face recognition, Touch ID, and Apple Pay rather than have to wait for iOS 11.1 several weeks after I get the device itself.
What about you? Would you rather Apple delay the iPhone 8 release altogether, or launch it without key features? Let us know in the poll above and tell us your reasoning in the comments.

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