iTunes For Android – tunes4android by iNerd 0.0.9 - Haxiphone-Easy Hacks iphone All Os


মঙ্গলবার, ১১ জুলাই, ২০১৭

iTunes For Android – tunes4android by iNerd 0.0.9

android and itunes
Usually there are two cases when you need iTunes on your Android device desperately. One is when you move from iPhone to an Android device. Another is when you simply like iTunes and do not want any other program. Especially it is hard in the first case: you have all you music saved on this program and you need to start fresh. But not anymore: there is a universal solution for Android users. It is basically the same iTunes which are on iOS devices, just fitted to work on other phones too!
The best part is that no rooting is required. Also, no things like complicated “sync” programs will be used. You simply connect the phone to your PC, install the app and it is done. You will only need to login to your iTunes account and you will be able to access your purchases immediately. Try it yourself and you will see how easy it is!
itunes for android 1
itunes for android

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