Windows XP Default Pinball For Windows 7, 8 and Vista - Haxiphone-Easy Hacks iphone All Os


মঙ্গলবার, ১১ জুলাই, ২০১৭

Windows XP Default Pinball For Windows 7, 8 and Vista

pinball for all windows
When I upgraded to Windows 7 straigt from Windows XP, I liked many new improvement which were obviously needed. However, after a while I was shocked to find that the legendary Pinball (Space Cadet) game was removed! All other games like Solitaire and Mahjongg were updated and left. My guess why Pinball was so unlucky is that it probably was too cumbersome to update and the current looks did not fit with the Windows 7 / Vista style.
Not to worry anymore! The legendary Pinball is now available for all Windows platforms, including Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows XP. You can download a simple installer, install the game and play it as you did before! It has all the functionality (including fullscreen) and runs smoothly with no glitches whatsoever. It is not surprising, since it was simply ported from XP and nothing in the game is changed.

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